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Him… Her… and other stories

15. June 2024 @ 19:00

Er… Sie… und andere Geschichten (“Him.. Her… and other stories”), a series of 13 short choreographies. Exploring the vast emotional states of interpersonal constellations and questioning how relationships become what they are: Which gestures connect us, which attitudes elicit loneliness, how do we set boundaries? How do you find harmony, what maintains it and what makes it dissolve? Sometimes quiet and tender, then loud and demanding, alone or as a unit, the dancers unfold the interplay between partnership and individuality.

Concept, artistic direction: laborgras (Renate Graziadei and Arthur Stäldi)
Choreography: laborgras in collaboration with Sergey Zhukov
Dance: Renate Graziadei, Sergey Zhukov
Dramaturgy: Arthur Stäldi
Costume design: Claudia Janitschek


Foto ©Phil Dera

Renate Graziadei

dancer, choreographer
Foto ©Phil Dera

Arthur Stäldi

choreographer, dramaturg

Sergey Zhukov

dancer, co-choreographer
Foto ©Phil Dera
Foto ©Phil Dera

Him… Her… and other stories

15. June 2024 @ 19:00



Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin

Him… Her… and other stories

15. June 2024 @ 19:00



Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin