Program 2022

Eine Tänzerin bewegt die Arme, sie trägt ein weißes Oberteil und eine blaue Hose, im Vordergrund rechts sitzt die Musikerin, eine Perkussionistin und spielt. Im Hintergrund sind zwei Scheinwerferkegel zu sehen.

Hear & Now* | Danced Jazztunes

7. September 2022 @ 19:00

Hear & Now* | Danced Jazztunes is a performance by dancer Naïma Mazić, musician Golnar Shahyar and a record player.

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now/never • now never Foto©Annelie Andre


8. September 2022 @ 19:00

Where are we going? You never know. No? But we are here. Now. Forever? Never.
A double bass player and a dancer meet in an empty space and play with the potential of this encounter.

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Rindenriss • Josephine Auffray Foto©nomadic by choice


8. September 2022 @ 19:00

In their improvisation Joséphine Auffray and Ulrike Brand explore the possibilities of expansion: time, space, body, surface.

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Please Cry • Megumi Eda©Foto Nathan Buck

Please Cry

9. September 2022 @ 19:00

One day, I learned from a photo that my Grandma had been a military nurse in Japan during World War II. “Please Cry” is inspired by the stories of nurses, who were made to believe that it was shameful and unpatriotic to cry in the face of the horrors of war.

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Trance • Trance Foto©Aïsha Mia Lethen


9. September 2022 @ 19:00

Voices that drift in waves, condensing and interacting with each other to create images and movement. We no longer just hear a sound, as sounds immediately set a mood as these voices grow into an image that emerges from our perception.

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Displaced/ Angekommen • MariaColusi Displaced Foto©Ramon Rodriguez

Displaced/ Angekommen

10. September 2022 @ 19:00

Displaced. Exiled. Transplanted. And yet always in the process of planting new roots. This is the basic ambivalence in the lives of many migrants. Maria Colusi, an Argentinian in Berlin, knows it all too well.

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Consolation • Consolation Foto©Maria Rutanen


11. September 2022 @ 19:00

Through intimacy, sensitivity, and kinaesthetic empathy, Consolation explores how a body consoles another body. Delving into the experience of shared sensitization, two bodies sway, rock, hold, and carry each other as a driving force for movement.

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