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8. September 2022 @ 19:00

Where are we going? You never know. No? But we are here. Now. Forever? Never.
A double bass player and a dancer meet in an empty space and play with the potential of this encounter. Are opportunities seized or have they already faded before they manifest? now/never is an exploration of the fleetingness of sound and movement and the attempt to make them tangible through their relationship to each other. What is that which remains after an intense moment of consciously being with each other? Physical and sonic impulses are constantly released in space, and each time the question of how to respond to them arises anew: now or never? Does one go into it, with it, away from it? When does the now begin and when is the never final? A multi-faceted dialogue emerges, shaped by momentary, intuitive decisions.

Dance: Annelie Andre
Double bass: Meinrad Kneer


– Double bill Rindenriss


Das Bild zeigt die Tänzerin und Choreografin Annelie Andre.

Annelie Andre

Dancer, Choreographer
Das Foto zeigt den Kontrabassisten Meinrad Kneer

Meinrad Kneer

Foto © Annelie Andre
Foto © Annelie Andre


8. September 2022 @ 19:00

10 – 20 Euro


Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin


8. September 2022 @ 19:00

10 – 20 Euro


Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin