Code | Streaming
16. June 2021 @ 10:00 - 19. June 2021 @ 23:59
‘Code’ uses dance and sound to create a new sensory language. The collaboration between Katherine Leung and percussionist Petros Tzekos, draws inspiration from morse-code, braille and ASL. The basis of the piece explores the development of language from its most simplistic forms ‘action’ to ‘reaction’ running alongside the theme of censorship, echoing the characteristics of morse-code.
This piece premiered as part of ‘Reinkommen on Screen’ as a research project in Oct 2020. Supported by Ada Studio and funded by Berlin Senate Department of Culture und Europe.
Katherine Leung – Choreography, Dance
Petros Tzekos – Music, Composition
Performance at DOCK11, Berlin
Daniel Miranda – Lights
Videodocumentation: Walter Bickmann | Tanzforum Berlin
In cooperation with Theaterscoutings Berlin:
Wed 16 June 20:00
joint viewing of the streaming “Code” followed by an audience talk with Katherine Leung, Petros Tzekos and theater scout Mmakgosi Kgabi.
“Digital Audience Talk following ‘Code’ in the frame of Soundance Festival”
(in English)

Code | Streaming
16. June 2021 @ 10:00 - 19. June 2021 @ 23:59
3 – 12 Euro
@dringeblieben Streaming
Code | Streaming
16. June 2021 @ 10:00 - 19. June 2021 @ 23:59
3 – 12 Euro
@dringeblieben Streaming