
Labyrinth Photo©Alessandra Leone

Labyrinth | Streaming

6. April 2021

Labyrinth is about a woman’s struggle with her memories. Playful, funny, and at times tragic.
A collaboration between artists from Germany and Sweden within four art forms – equally weighted to create a dance theater piece.
Light design, video, dance and music combined.
The set, metals rings, become musical instruments and also serve as metaphorical boxes for the woman’s memories.
Rings or windows spinning around on stage and in her mind, confusing her, attacking her or bringing smiles and childlike behaviors at times.
It roughly tells the story of a woman trapped in a space or in a Labyrinth of memories, trying to set herself free.

Annapaola Leso – Dance, Choreography
Mansoor Hosseini – Composition, Conecpt, Wheels
Nindya Nareswari – Light Design
Alessandra Leone – Video
Jasmin Lepore – Costume

LIGHTHOUSE Photo @ Carlos Collado

Lighthouse | Streaming

5. April 2021

What happens when you leave your homeland, your
mother language and common sense, and you enter
into an uncertain space where there are no
longer references? What we leave behind keeps
evolving, developing a life while we are not
there. You are still there – but as an absent
presence (for your family, your loved ones). How
do we deal with this double status? We are moving
in a new world, without known references as basic
as language (in its broad sense) and we carry our
own known world as an invisible shadow.

Sonia Rodríguez – Choreography, Dance
Enrico Paglialunga – Choreography, Dance
Giacomo Mattogno – Composition, Sounddesign